Chow Chows

Chow Chows


Welcome to Sherae Kennels, home of the Chow-Chow. We hope that you enjoy your visit to our site, and that you will call again. We hope that you also enjoy our beautiful “Chowdren” as much as we have enjoyed introducing some of them to you all. It takes a lot of very hard work, along with many people, to build the strength of various degrees in getting our breed to where it is today.

In our 45 yrs of Chow Chows we have Imported much of Our Breeding and Show Stock, be it dogs or frozen semen from numerous countries around the world. e.g. USA, U.K, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Finland and New Zealand. We are extremely grateful to all of those people that have entrusted us with their extremely beautiful & well loved Chow Chows.

We have also had the privilege of exporting our puppies , to numerous countries in Europe and various other countries overseas and also gain their titles . It is wonderful to have also been represented at Crufts ( U.K.) on a few occasions with one of our boys . 

SHERAE KENNELS are extremely proud to have now had, either bred or owned at least:

  • 91 X Australian Champions 
  • 5 X Grand Champions 
  • 12 X International Champion Titles (around the world ) 
  • 1 x Neuter RN – ET Champion
  • 1 x  Neuter Chanmpion

Our own family has spent limitless time in caring, showing, and raising puppies along with the promoting of exceedingly good temperaments, for which we are very proud of indeed. It is wonderful for both judges and vets alike around Perth and Australia, to be able to pick a Sherae Chow often right away, from it’s lovely temperament.

In our 45 yrs of breeding we have Imported  our stock , both Dogs and Frozen Semen from numerous countries around the world. e.g. USA, U.K, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Finland and New Zealand.


Best in show

Sherae Kennels is proud to be the breeder of Multiple “Best Exhibit In Specialty Show “winning dogs, along with ” Best Exhibit In All Breeds Champ Shows”.

With Champions in Australia, New Zealand & Malaysia, we are proud also of the contribution that we have made to the breed since our very first Chow Chows ventured on to the scene in 1972 – 73.

Our Friends, Our Thanks

We have met and made some wonderful friends on this journey, here in Australia & overseas alike.

Jit Mee Lim and Adeline – “Crystigue Chows “Singapore , We are forever grateful in all the help trust and support, given to us over the years. Letting your “American Ch” Import have her home here was wonderful.

Jenni and Euan Smith – New Zealand ” Omeishan Knls”, our friends and partner agents. Thank you for your untiring efforts in supporting us over the many years. Titling, promoting and home to MANY N.Z  Sherae Champions. Also for the support in the joint breeding program over the pond, in the “Land Of The Long White Cloud.” Our friendship since 1989 has come a very long way.

Jane . K. Weiss “Shanghai Kennels ” U.S.A.

Thank you Jane for being instrumental, in the turning point of our breed here in Australia, in regards to American type entering our lives as well as the show ring. We at Sherae, along with Rita Pruntel (Sherle Kennels) were most fortunate in importing 4 lots of Frozen semen from 4 different dogs from Shanghai back in 1991. Jane worked hard to ensure all went to plan. For this she can be very proud.

In 2006 another new Import arrived from Shanghai Kennels – Florida , to expand the Sherae gene Poole once again. However keeping to tradition and still to keep us line breeding with his heavy Shanghai bloodlines in his pedigree.

“Mozart ” or Shanghai’s Moes Lil Mozart (Imp U.S.A. ) was bred by Rhonda Prince & Doug Dibble and owned by our very dear friend Jane Weiss.

Once again we are grateful to the very special lady for letting this boy come to Perth , and Rhonda & Doug for assisting Jane with his journey down under.

A very special dog to enter our lives was the extremely well known clown of a dog “Jap- Aust Ch ” Chowchowland Ace Of Sukegawasow C.D. (Imp Jpn).

Charlie was another special mark for the breed, and he has left his influence and stamped his type and temperament into many of the Sherae Chow, as you see it today. Charlie was a lovely dog in every sense. It is Meiko Kitadai and Caesar Kadowaki, that we must be eternally grateful to, in letting and getting this dog to Australia, when it still was not that easy to import from there.

Robert and Maureen Dore “Perkychow ” England .

We are just so glad that they have entered our lives, and have been a driving force with their knowledge and teachings to us, on the Dilutes in our breed . We gained ourselves a wonderful family and friends. Robert being the co-ordinator of the latest Frozen Semen that was Imported from the U.K. from the cream dog , Romanyrye Polar Bear , owned by Keith & Brenda Gallantree .

Finally a very special thank you to our puppy buyers that have given our “Chowdren” a part of their life and love.

Also to those that have taken the vast amount of time over the years, to campaign their Sherae Chow Chows in the show ring, strutting their stuff. Jenni Williams / Jenn Lawrence / Claire Kelly / Helen Gray they have always been there for us at various times. Also our vets at Melville Animal Hospital for their care over the 35 yrs we’ve been together. Through the good and bad times Murray Reid & David Priest have played an enormous part of keeping Sherae strong.

Then entered Dr Steve Metcalfe, our very talented Reproduction Specialist. Helping us with, and through, bringing new life into our lives. We are grateful and are thankful you guys are there for us.

At this moment in time our next project here at Sherae Kennels, is to try and add to, and build up our very beautiful creams and dilutes . We are trying to keep these colours seperate , as in the ” Any Other Colour breeding program ” . This will include the Creams / Blues & Fawns .

We have a new and great show team working very hard with all of the Sherae Chows here once again . A special thank you goes out to our kennel manager Helen Gray for all her hard work and efforts here at Sherae and on the show scene as well .

Our granddaughters Zoe with her hard efforts at home here, and again the show ring , and Courtney with her very much appreciated input with the fur crew .

Pei Fang Penny Lane To Sherae , has been Imported from Norway and was bred by Marianna Holmi , and whom we would like to say a very big Thank you for allowing us to have such a magnificent girl. Penny as she is known , is living in Sweden and having a wonderful show career. She has a wonderful carer mum Lene Shila Hendengran (Kennel Long Feng ) that both loves and spoils her very much.

We can’t thank Lene and her husband enough, for all they are doing for her while on the campaign trail in Europe.

THE stud Boys Team from over the years

Both Captain & Star entered our lives through Frozen Semen imported from Sweden. For this we are extremely grateful to Lene Hendengran (Kennel Long Feng ) Captain’s sire is none other than the world famous :


Sherae Kennels are proud, not just to provide show puppies for those that want to show their dogs in the exhibition ring, but also we enjoy seeing the love given to the dogs by all the wonderful people that just want a truly loyal family member and companion. They themselves can not see past being owned by a regal and aloof Chow Chow. They all feel safe in knowing that their Chow Chow is there looking after both them, their home, and possessions.